• I Love Every Dog
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  • ❤️🐶🐾 You're going to love this beautiful dog photo! ❤️🐶🐾

❤️🐶🐾 You're going to love this beautiful dog photo! ❤️🐶🐾

You won't believe how this dog saved their human!

Inside this week’s issue:

  • This may be the most handsome dog you see all week!

  • Read about Blue, the sweet rescue dog who saved his papa from a car wreck,

  • Enjoy a funny, relatable meme,

  • Check out our community photo of the week and submit your dog photos.

Dog of the Week: Meet Beau. Isn’t he gorgeous?!?!

Training Tip of the Week:

Dog training is like going to the gym. It takes time to see results!

Changing behavior doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, consistency, and time! You won’t see results immediately because your dog is learning a new way of life.

Our dogs are with us for a long time, so having a well-behaved dog is worth the effort!

Thanks to Canine Trade Group for the tip! Take their dog behavior quiz to check your dog’s behavioral health! https://caninetradegroup.com/dog-behavior-quiz/?utm_source=ILED

Dog hero of the week: Blue, who saved his papa and pack after they drove off a cliff!

“As Brandon Garrett lay stranded in a ravine in Oregon last week, his dog Blue was running through the densely wooded area, toward help.

Blue, a whippet, ran for nearly four miles with glass in his snout and made it to a campsite where they had been before and where Mr. Garrett was supposed to be meeting his friend. The friend, who had been expecting Mr. Garrett hours earlier, knew something was wrong, said Mr. Garrett’s brother, Tyree Garrett.

Blue’s appearance prompted Mr. Garrett’s family and friends to search for him during the night of June 2 and the next morning, the Baker County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement. He was found by his brother, who spotted Mr. Garrett’s truck in the ravine and called the sheriff’s office, which rescued Mr. Garrett with the assistance of other authorities.”

You can see the full story from the link below.

Meme of the week

Community photo of the week

Meet Daisy Mae, now that’s a cute pup!

Make Your Pup Famous!

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