• I Love Every Dog
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  • [Important] Do not miss seeing our awesome dog of the week! ❤️🐶🐾

[Important] Do not miss seeing our awesome dog of the week! ❤️🐶🐾

You won't believe how this dog saved their human!

Inside this week’s issue:

  • OMG, Bruna is the cutest pup you’ll see this week!,

  • See an uplifting adoption story,

  • Read about the Rizzo, the lab mix who saved his human from a rattlesnake!

  • Enjoy a funny, relatable meme,

  • Learn how you can help save rescue dogs

  • Check out our community photo of the week and submit your dog photos.

Meet Bruna, isn’t he a handsome boy?!?

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Welcome home, Brie!

Welcome home, Brie! You’re a very good girl! Your new family is lucky to have you join their pack!

Every week, our partners at Lucky Dog Animal Rescue help beautiful pups like Brie and cats find loving families and warm homes.

You can support Lucky Dog by joining I Love Every Dog’s membership program, subscribing to our Facebook page, and buying our merchandise

Dog hero of the week: Rizzo protected his human from a rattlesnake bite

“A Colorado Springs dog is being called a "hero" after selflessly defending his owner during a rattlesnake encounter last week.

Rizzo, a lab mix, joined his owner Carissa Welch on a hike on April 15, when he stepped between her and a rattlesnake on the hiking path, she told local ABC affiliate KRDO.

The pup then sustained a "venomous bite" to the face, a new GoFundMe campaign notes, as his "swift actions saved [Welch] from harm" after he "risked his life to protect" her.”

Good boy, Rizzo!

You can see the full story from the link below.

Meme of the week

Community photo of the week

Aww, isn’t Rosie a good girl!?!

Make Your Pup Famous!

We want to share your pup. Please send us your favorite doggy pic or video, and we'll try to feature it in one of our upcoming newsletters or our Facebook page.

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